muscovy duck


     Size & Shape

Muscovy Ducks are large, heavy-bodied ducks with long necks that can make them look like small geese. They have a fairly long bill that slopes smoothly up to the forehead. The tail is fairly long. Males are larger than females; domesticated individuals are often larger than wild.

·         Color Pattern

Wild Muscovy Ducks are mostly black. Adult males have large white patches on the wings; juveniles show much smaller white wing patches. In good light, the black feathers can show a greenish gloss. Domesticated and feral Muscovy Ducks can have variable large patches of white to brown. Muscovy Ducks have red facial skin with odd warty growths.

·         Behavior

Wild Muscovy Ducks are wary birds that feed by dabbling in shallow wetlands. Domesticated individuals can be common at urban parks, where they mix with other ducks and take handouts from park visitors.

·         Habitat

Wild Muscovy Ducks live in forested wetlands and nest in tree cavities. They forage in shallow wetlands, ponds, and lagoons. Domesticated ducks can be common on farms and in parks.